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Basic information for international students

Sign up quickly and easily by filling the online form.

Become a member without visiting our office.

What do you need for registering:

  • Identity document (passport or ID);

  • Your bank account number (only EU banks like N26, Revoult ...);

  • Uniform citizen identification number (EMŠO), which starts with your birth date;

  • Slovenian tax ID number (issued by tax administration office anywhere in Slovenia);

  • If you will be enrolled in a faculty or higher education institution in Slovenia in the current school year, we will automatically renew your status (we will obtain the information from the Unified Register of Enrolments), so you do not need to send/attach proof of your status.

  • Based on the completed statement, you will receive further instructions. In case you opt to define yourself as a resident, we will need further documents, which can be obtain from Financial Office of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS).

  • If you are a non-resident and planning a long-term stay in Slovenia, you must regularise your residency status. More information.

  • EMŠO (Uniform Citizen Identification number): It is a personal identification number assigned by an Administrative unit in Slovenia or an individual Educational institution. It starts with the date of birth.

  • Slovenian Tax ID number: It is required for every taxpayer and is used in connection with all taxes. It consists of 8 digits. More information about obtaining a tax ID number for international student is available on the website of the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS).

e-Študentski Servis (e-Student Service):

  • It is an agency for carrying out job placement activities.
  • It offers temporary and occasional jobs to high school and university students.
  • It is the largest intermediary for student jobs in Slovenia.
  • It connects employers looking for assistance in performing tasks with high school and university students, thus introducing them to the labor market.

At e-Študentski Servis, we help and advise:

  • Employers who, with our assistance, quickly find suitable students for the job. Employers can post a job advertisement for free on our website. For employers, student work represents an important part of recruiting and selecting future young employees, as well as staying connected with fresh academic knowledge.

  • Students in finding part-time jobs. All current job listings are published on our website. Through student work, young people gain valuable work experience and take their first steps towards building a career.

Work via Student Service for international students:

1. Primary school students: You can start working through the Student Service once you finish primary school, turn 15 and enroll in a secondary school program.


  • If you turn 15 in March, you can start working after finishing primary school and enrolling in secondary school.
  • If you finish primary school in June, enroll in secondary school, and turn 15 on August 10th, you can start working from August 10th onwards.
  • If you finish primary school in June, turn 15 on November 10th, and are already a first-year secondary school student, you can start working from November 10th onwards.

2. Secondary school students: Full-time secondary school students who are at least 15 years old.

3. Adult learners (part-time secondary school students): Students under the age of 26 enrolled in publicly recognized programs for primary, vocational, secondary, or professional education.

4. University students: Full-time and part-time students.

  • Exchange Programs: Participate in short-term internships or academic exchanges.
  • Degree Programs: Enroll in undergraduate or postgraduate programs at Slovenian universities.

Important Note for Non-EU Students: To study or work in Slovenia, you must have a valid residence permit. If you are enrolled in an educational establishment abroad, you must provide proof of permanent residence in Slovenia.

Become a member of e-Študentski Service. On our website or on your own. Before you start working. Ask when and where the work takes place and don't be late. The company calculates the hours - 95 % of earnings we provide an advance payment.

In order to receive your payments you need to open Slovenian or EU account.

We recommend that you open a bank account online at N26 or Revoult.

If you are coming from abroad and would like to arrange TAX residency in Slovenia, you can obtain a decision from the Financial Office of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS). More information can be found here.

At FURS, you fill out a questionnaire and receive the decision within 14 days (in some cases, the wait may be up to 3 months).

Once you receive the decision, let us know so that you receive a payment in the entire amount without tax deduction (only 13.95% for pension and disability insurance will be deducted).

If you are a non-resident and plan to stay in Slovenia for a longer period, you need to resolve your residency status. More information.

You can enter or change your bank account in your profile settings (click on your name in the top right corner / Edit Profile / Personal Information).

The bank account must be opened in your name (the number starts with the country code, e.g., SI56).

You CANNOT receive earnings to someone else's bank account, credit card, or prepaid card.

You CAN receive earnings, for example, to Revolut, N26, etc.

If you are enrolled in a high school, university, or higher education institution in Slovenia, we will obtain the data from the Unified Enrolment Registry or the Ceuviz system, so you do not need to send an enrolment certificate.

You can work through the student service:

  • As long as you have valid status (you are a high school or university student).

  • Until the age of 26 if you are a part-time high school student (adult education participant).

  • If you graduate or complete a master's degree, you retain your status until the end of the academic year (until September 30) in which you completed your studies.

  • If you are not regularly employed and not registered as unemployed with the Employment Service.

Through the student service, you can work regardless of your age if you meet the above-mentioned conditions.

The age limit applies only to part-time high school students, who can work until they turn 26.

Even if you find a job on your own, it is important to order a referral from the student service, as it is the legal basis for the work.

You must order the referral before starting work; otherwise, it will be considered "illegal work," and both you and your employer may be fined in case of an inspection.

It is also important to agree with your employer on the working conditions and the amount of payment.

In the case of working through the student service, the provisions of the Employment Relationships Act (ZDR-1) apply to working hours, breaks, rest periods, special protections for workers under 18, and liability for damages.

  • The minimum hourly rate is specified.

  • You will receive a NET PAYMENT into your bank account—13.95% will be deducted from the gross earnings for pension and disability insurance, which counts towards your pension period. You can calculate the gross-to-net hourly rate using a calculator.

  • The HOURLY RATE listed for a job must be paid to you. If it states that the payment is €10 net, that is the amount you should receive.

  • PAYMENT PER PIECE/SURVEY – you must not receive a payment lower than the minimum hourly rate, regardless of the number of pieces/surveys.

  • TRAINING must be paid. However, you can agree with the employer to be paid less during the training period (but not less than the minimum hourly rate).

  • LUNCH BREAK: If you work 8 hours in one day, you are entitled to a 30-minute break. The lunch break is counted as part of working hours and is paid. If you are under 18 years old, you are entitled to a 30-minute lunch break if you work at least 4.5 hours a day.

  • FOR THOSE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD, certain special conditions apply.

Young people under 18 have specific rules and protections when it comes to employment:

  • Working Hours: Individuals under 18 are not allowed to work overtime. They can work a maximum of 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week.

  • Breaks: If you are under 18 and work at least 4.5 hours a day, you are entitled to a 30-minute paid break. Adults are entitled to this break only if they work 8 hours a day.

  • Night Work: Night work is not permitted for minors. This means you have the right to rest between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM and cannot be required to work during this period. You are also entitled to a rest period of 12 hours between two working days and a weekly rest of 48 hours.

  • Safety: Minors are not allowed to perform tasks that involve increased risks or dangerous conditions. This includes working at heights, lifting heavy loads, working in extreme cold or heat, or being exposed to noise, vibrations, or radiation.

  • Restrictions: Minors are prohibited from selling tobacco products.

Before starting work, you must request a referral, even if it's for job training.

It is also important that the employer confirms the referral at the start of the work, which means they sign it electronically.

The recipe to avoid problems is polite and honest communication**, along with a clear agreement** before the work begins.

Make sure to also agree clearly on the following:

  • Payment for work (even job training must be paid, incentives, inventory shortages, etc.),
  • Work duration (arrival, departure),
  • Date when you can expect the payment,
  • Unwritten rules that should be followed (lunch, break, phone usage, etc.),
  • Other formalities.
  • You can also check how regularly the employer pays by visiting before starting work to see if they are on the list of non-payers of student work.

A clear and precise agreement before starting work is essential to avoid misunderstandings during or after the work.

If you believe that the employer is not fulfilling the agreement made before the start of work, let us know at the email: [email protected].

We will act as a mediator between you and the employer and try to resolve the misunderstanding.

Many rules that you encounter in a company/organization are already written and predetermined.

However, there are also unwritten rules that are good to follow, as no one will explicitly point them out to you.

You can do the most to create a pleasant working environment yourself:

  • When you enter a company/organization, observe, be curious, kind, and ask employees if anything is unclear.
  • Always greet employees kindly and be polite.
  • Pay attention to relationships and the atmosphere among employees (whether to address people formally or informally).
  • Follow the dress code.
  • Contribute to creating a pleasant working environment with your kindness.
  • Do your work precisely and in the shortest time possible.
  • Perform tasks with self-discipline, diligence, and actively.
  • Show interest in tasks that may not fall within your job description.
  • Take difficult or uninteresting tasks as a challenge.

You can be a member of the student service as long as you have the status of a high school or university student.

When you find out that you will be employed, inform us of the start date of your employment.

According to the regulations on student work, a member of the student service can only be a high school or university student who has a valid status, is not regularly employed, and is not registered in the unemployment records at the Employment Service.

At e-Študentski Servis, you can log your completed hours in your profile.

How does time tracking work?

  • Log in to your profile.
  • Select the Job referrals and time tracking section.
  • Click on the hour, enter your check-in and check-out time, and mark your lunch break.

📅 How can I view my logged hours?

  • Click the pencil icon to edit or delete incorrect entries.
  • Review your entries by month.
  • Export your hours to Excel, where you can edit, save, and send them to your employer.

Student meals cannot be arranged at our offices, but you can do it on the SŠP.

  • If you are arranging student meals for the first time, first register and then visit one of the locations for arranging student meals.

  • If you have already used student meals, a personal visit to the location is not necessary. Log into your profile through the SŠP app or website and select “Allow renewal.”

Kako podaljšam status?

Piši nam na [email protected] ali pokliči na najbližjo poslovalnico.


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